Go forward and do the work. Breathe. Continue to apply yourself and listen calmly to have proper judgment and rescue yourself back to serenity.
It is impossible to define yourself by your past. All you have available is in the present. When you are present, you know what you should do.
Protecting yourself from your mind and ego is a daily endeavor. When you are not present, the voice of your thoughts comes in and dominates you.
Returning to serenity requires minimalist action. Take the very next step. Break it down into something so small that you look silly by not doing it.
Your ability to find inner peace and tranquility is paramount. You only evolve when you can find it, irrespective of your circumstances.
You are the only person capable of bringing tranquility and inner peace to yourself. It is not your mother, girlfriend, or partners. It comes from within.
For the past 2-days, I have been reading excerpts of Shunryu Suzuki's book, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. It's helping to bring peace and calmness to my heart.
Everyone that has built something meaningful must have gotten in touch with “the dark side”. I woke up thinking about how it probably impulsed many to win.