Your ability to find inner peace and tranquility is paramount. You only evolve when you can find it, irrespective of your circumstances.
What an immense challenge that is. Not just because we live in an overstimulated world and society, but because to find tranquility amid chaos or hard choices you must resist.
Resistance and temperance are like strength training if you don’t stimulate them constantly it won't work.
In the past two years, I have developed the habit of praying daily. Some people pray, others meditate, others write a journal — contemplating a habit that builds calmness, character, and substance.
We have moral obligations towards each other. Your wife, family, partners, friends, or a perfect stranger out on the street, all deserve respect and love. The sun shines for all of us, daily.
Sometimes things don’t happen exactly the way we want them to happen. Often you don’t get what you want in life. Having the ability to center yourself, connect with each other and find peace is extremely important.
Free-will and self-reliance are the most powerful tools to achieve anything in life.
“No man is free who is not a master of himself.”
― Epictetus
The busier you are, the more you must stop and slow down. Instead of instant happiness, search for peace. Happiness fades rapidly. Peace can be permanent.
I have been studying the work of Alfred Adler. He talks about self-reliance and how our personalities take form depending on our reactions towards life.
Social Media is the nicotine of our times. 3 and a half weeks ago I deactivated my Facebook account and deleted Instagram off my iPhone.