Calm and Serenity

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And wisdom to know the difference."

— Reinhold Niebuhr

You know what you should be doing. You are aware of your commitments and the best action towards others. 

The Golden Rule is the most straightforward framework for life. 

It is fair to remember that nobody has the right to be rude or impolite to others. 

To collaborate for the collective goodwill, reject the egotistical tendencies, even when all external elements look like they are taking you somewhere else. 

Go forward and do the work. 


Continue to apply yourself and listen calmly to have proper judgment and rescue yourself back to serenity. 

Practice virtue according to the divine law. Meditate and contemplate. 

Don’t run away from your problems. Don’t procrastinate. 

Action is the only true salvation, as it often brings you to the present moment. 

Start your day with meditation. 

Once the day is over, disconnect and take the time to ponder on what happened and how it happened. 

All living creatures integrate into the universal law of infinite intelligence. 

When you act and abandon sound principles, when you are unfaithful, rude, or judgmental, have mercy on your mistakes. 

When you realized your mind/ego blinded you, find peace. 

You can eradicate evil with gratitude and by being just.  

Silence is the answer to serenity as you rebuild daily peace.

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