Once you realize that you should ease into death you will capture your divine ability to bring deep transformation into your daily life.
The positive aspect of the pandemic is that it completely re-aligned how people do business and interact with each other.
In this episode, I have a chat with Marvin Liao, partner at GAMEGROOVE Capital, an LA-based video game holding and investments company.
In today's episode, I chat with Rodrigo Teijeiro, founder of RecargaPay, a leading mobile payments fintech in Brazil that has reached more than 3,5M users.
What is your ultimate mission? Integrate with divine creation so purposeful volition can blossom your success. God is generous for those that connect.
In this episode, I had the honor of talking to Alexandre Liuzzi, Founder of Remessa Online. You can listen to it on YouTube, Spotify, and other podcast apps.
“I’m in trouble because I'm normal and slightly arrogant. A lot of people don't like themselves and I happen to be totally in love with myself." ― Mike Tyson
The minute you stop caring about what others think is when you wake up to self-actualization. Founders that build decacorns are the ones that are at peace with