"I saw the enemy. The enemy is us."
— Pogo
When you are silent, it speaks.
What is your ultimate mission?
Integrate with divine creation so purposeful volition can blossom your success.
As you impact multiple people, remember to organize, plan, listen and execute.
God is generous for those that connect.
Heal the sorrows as you shine light from Spirit.
Discarding what no longer serves you for the ultimate connection
"Love lights the soul that wants to love."
— Manoel Philomeno de Miranda via Divaldo Franco
Stoicism is helpful for startup founders and investors. Stoicism helped me find my dark side. Every founder should read the work of Marcus Aurelius and Seneca.
Today my guest is Elizabeth Yin, co-founder and General Partner at Hustle Fund, a pre-seed fund for software entrepreneurs.
The average American has 12 paid content subscriptions. I was surprised that the average millennial pays even more subscriptions.