Listen to Marvin Liao (GAMEGROOVE) on Inevitable Podcast

Inevitable Podcast
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In this episode, I have a chat with Marvin Liao, partner at GAMEGROOVE Capital, an LA-based video game holding company. They manage products with +140 million users worldwide, with offices in the U.S. and Europe. You can listen to this podcast on Youtube, Spotify, and other podcast apps.

Before GAMEGROOVE Capital, Marvin was an investor and partner at the Venture Capital Fund 500 Startups. He invested in more than 400 pre-seed and seed-stage startups such as Pipefy, Shippo, RapidAPI, Manychat, along with many other relevant startups. Over 21 years of experience in the Valley, Marvin was also a senior executive in Yahoo. He helped the company find opportunities in Emerging Markets and grow revenues 100% YoY for 10+ years.

During this episode, Marvin shares his strong opinions on how the tech ecosystem and Silicon Valley have changed over the years. He shares his ideas from investment vehicles to the new breed of tech founders, and how COVID has affected the way we build and invest in new products.

In our conversation I ask Marvin:

  • You did phenomenal work on 500 Startups, During that 6-year time, you did 414 pre-seed and seed investments in different startups. What's your point of view on the accelerator model as an investment vehicle?
  • What do you think is going to emerge of the new type of founders you have seen during the pandemic?
  • You describe yourself as a voracious reader and have mentioned that you have many books. How do you organize your reading habit?

I hope you enjoy the episode and hit me up to share your favorite insights from the episode.

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