The busier you are, the more you must stop and slow down. Instead of instant happiness, search for peace. Happiness fades rapidly. Peace can be permanent.
Most of your decisions will come out of a place of love or fear. Breathe and choose love. Follow that path without hurting others.
Beauty and peace are always available. Take the time to observe the atomic miracle of life and understand the absolute insignificance of our mental obsessions.
Understand that you need to rise to the same level of your potential and, sometimes, that isn’t an easy road. Growth only comes with pain and suffering.
Your inner-peace should not be dependable on anybody. The fast track to inner peace is to meditate and treat others with love and empathy.
Every human is capable of killing, causing violence and gore. One should live in a controlled pendulum swing between an empathetic person and a dark beast.
You will not live life from one epiphany to another. Real progress in life a series of small improvements that compound.
Inevitably, someone will attack you in life. It might sometimes come hidden in humor, explicitly demonstrated in public or private aggression.