In life, you will often suffer attacks.
There is no right or wrong. Everything is subject to interpretation.
Most of your decisions will come out of a place of love or fear.
Breathe and choose love.
Evolve to be present and get rid of all obsessions.
When hit with cholera from a fellow human, respond with serenity.
The duality of our spirit fluctuates between good and evil.
In that pendulum of the human spirit, we learn and evolve.
Follow that path without hurting others.
Or, even harder, evolve without hurting yourself.
Lack of adaptability is the best seed for ignorance. Don't allow yourself to be slaved by tradition. Learn how to differentiate and adapt. Don't give up.
The 1% better manifesto is a list of principles for people that believe in constant improvement, spiritual harmony and being resourceful to the next person.
Acting slowly and steady upon your dreams and resolutions is the only thing that matters. Never leave inside your mind thoughts that don't evolve into action.