Rise to your potential

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”

― Lao Tzu
“The more clearly you understand yourself and your emotions, the more you become a lover of what is.”

― Spinoza

There is enough abundance in the world for everyone.

For you to get it, you don’t have to take it — build it.

Understand that you need to rise to the same level of your potential and, sometimes, that isn’t an easy road.

Growth only comes with pain and suffering. There isn’t another way.

Do not be an egotistical coward. Everyone starts somewhere.

Do not impose limits on your life.

Practice gratitude, focus on what is essential and let the sunlight shine on you.

Absorb Nature’s power at peace as you evolve your soul and help the planet get better.

Evoke the gifts you were born to provide.

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