More than a startup or your VC fund, the very first legacy you will build as a man (or woman) is your relationship with your loved one, followed by family.
We all suffer from problems, temptations, and disappointments. To experience success, you must have experienced failure.
It is all about the journey, not the final destination. Life is a daily journey to the path of abundance and moderation.
If you are busy, you are not in control. Once you start being successful, say either "Hell Yes or No". Start saying "No" more often and you will live in peace.
In a world in which everything is on-demand and instant, the ability to focus, do deep work, and go through pain is a super-power.
Why are you and your team the right people to solve this problem? Founder authenticity is paramount when funding a startup.
Long-term relationships in a partnership, love, or friendships can’t be pushed. The best relationships develop on their own, with peaceful effort.
We need to adjust what is the true meaning of happiness. Bearing painful moments in life with temperance is crucial. Understand that peace is found within.