

Meaningful coincidences and Sympatheia

Several encounters in your life can be tagged as "meaningful coincidences”. Events that happen with no casualty but end up being meaningfully related.

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On appreciation from others

Genuine appreciation doesn’t come from others. It comes from not allowing any external circumstances to be in your to be in your way.

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On Serving Others

There is not a shortage of people in need of help. It can be a close friend or someone you have never met. Who can you serve today?

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Paying attention to details of human behavior

At large, I dare you to listen profoundly to signs in front of you. Instead of looking for constant input, look for answers.

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It's all about empathy

If you can understand and have empathy with the other side, you will be able to grow, mature, and evolve, to ultimately build a true partnership.

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Understanding Human Nature

I have been studying the work of Alfred Adler. He talks about self-reliance and how our personalities take form depending on our reactions towards life.

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When you are fearful love is the answer

One must keep improving daily. As we learn from our mistakes, we ought to remain friendly, loving, generous, just, and empathetic.

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Communication and constant progress in relationships

Long-term relationships require high-quality communication and energetic harmony. The best relationships, like everything in life, evolve and mature daily.

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