"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."
— Jesus Christ
We are imperfect. We make mistakes frequently. How you react towards what happens to you and the others around you is key. That is the only supreme freedom in life.
You need more courage to beat your disabilities than to help others with their defects. Pointing fingers at other people’s mistakes is easy, but having radical transparency in your heart and soul, while eradicating a selfish, egotistical desire is a much harder endeavor. Empathy is crucial because out of empathy love can flourish.
That is why I believe love is the only answer to most problems in life — combined with the ability to forgive others if they have hurt or committed mistakes along the way. Most of the time we are acting lovingly or fearfully.
We have eight weeks to perform a final close on our current fund. I have never been this tired, overworked, and exhausted in my entire life. This year alone I traveled over thirty times, and there are moments in which I need to pace and remind myself that I am not a special person.
Starting a Venture Capital firm in Silicon Valley has been one of the most joyful things I have done. I am deeply connected to what I am doing. I am grateful for living on top of the Maslow Pyramid, daily. I live self-actualization on steroids, and it feels special, albeit painful sometimes. It has not been easy, but it is worth it. I have no regrets.
One must keep improving daily. As we learn from our mistakes, we ought to remain friendly, loving, generous, and just.
We need to give more than what we can get, act with more empathy towards others — eradicating impatience from our hearts and minds. There is too much anxiety around us.
I have learned to appreciate silence and solitude as a way to reinvigorate my Spirit and connect to something greater. Being angry is not worth anybody’s time. When minor setbacks happen, you must be calm and act with love and temperance. It is the only possible way towards a sincere path to improvement and radical transparency with yourself and the ones you love.
There is not a shortage of people in need of help. It can be a close friend or someone you have never met. Who can you serve today?
I've started doing a daily 5-minute journal and a weekly review. It has been incredibly fun and helpful to slow down and put things in perspective.
The world respects those that take risk. People that put skin in the game and are willing to self-sacrifice to build something greater than themselves.