Communication and constant progress in relationships


What sustains us is our ability to connect with ourselves.

You are your only salvation.

If you don’t have the desire to improve, challenge yourself and sacrifice you will stagnate and fall into oblivion.

Frustration and fear are incredible lessons of courage.

Obstacles require muscle. Muscle to move them away for your path.

Life doesn’t get harder; you get better.

In the past couple of years, I have transformed myself from a hyper-anxious person into a calmer guy, focused on execution and planning.

It has helped.

I’m far from being a perfect person and have a lot to improve.

I do get better daily, and the work will never be done.

Take a few minutes to think about how the day went and what are your priorities and goals for tomorrow.

Long-term relationships require high-quality communication and energetic harmony.

If you stop improving or making progress, the simple continuation of life will hit you.

The best relationships, like everything in life, evolve and mature daily. They require constant progress.

If you stop caring and making dedicated efforts or, even worse, if long-term intentions are misaligned — sooner or later there will be a rupture.

When you are given a chance to step up, and there is hesitation, ask yourself why.

I like this fear-setting exercise from Tim Ferris. It is a practical framework to act if you are fearful of taking the next step.

You must be firm without fanatism.

You must be flexible without being weak.

You must make constant progress.

Otherwise, sooner or later you will be left behind.

Now is the best time to be excellent to other people.

Yesterday is gone and tomorrow isn’t here yet.

Communicate well.

Step up to the challenges.

A Sequoia tree was once a small seed. It becomes a Sequoia with decades of water, sunshine, and care.

Endurance takes time, communication, and getting out of your comfort zone.

Your responsibility is to be excellent with your partners, significant others, and business associates.

Move forward as a relentless merchant of progress.

If you want to build, give first.

All else is noise.

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