Your most significant enemy is your ego. Seneca said that we suffer more from imagination than reality, and that is true.
Anger or any dissatisfaction with others is your ego screaming from the inside, wanting you to feel relevant and superior.
Several encounters in your life can be tagged as "meaningful coincidences”. Events that happen with no casualty but end up being meaningfully related.
Genuine appreciation doesn’t come from others. It comes from not allowing any external circumstances to be in your to be in your way.
You probably have more than what is necessary. Why desire more money, more objects, more experiences, more people, more followers? Go through elimination.
The moment you wake up is when you lose the fear of death. That is the start of the rest of your life. If you die today, would your transition in peace?
An important realization that happened this week: what happens when you go at life with 110% intensity all the time? You will most likely crash and burn.
There is not a shortage of people in need of help. It can be a close friend or someone you have never met. Who can you serve today?