

Sleep and the pursuit of greatness

Sleeping for 6.5-7.5 hours a day for the past days has been incredible. Better than any productivity hack I have found, I am back to simplicity.

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On productivity, time and wealth

As success comes in your life, it is easy to be trapped by your circumstances and become slaved into a reality that you must do more.

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Self-discovery and problem solving

When solving problems or dealing with multiple daily requests often my mind will get busy, worried and distracted and I lose flow.

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Sleeping is the best productivity trick

During most of 2017, I averaged 5–6 hours a night. Not sleeping enough was killing me and my ability to get things done.

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I hustled my way to the ER in 2017

I had a surprise visit to the ER on Christmas. I thought I was having a heart attack and rushed to the hospital with considerable chest pain. I was scared.

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"Work Work Work Work Work" in Venture

For the past two weeks, I've been failing on most of my latest attempts to be hyper-productive. I am having a hard time keeping up with my own hunger.

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Time Management as a young VC

Quickly I realized that time management is a crucial part of being a good VC. Being “default to yes” is a poor strategy. Focus is key.

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Why I deactivated my Facebook and Instagram accounts

Social Media is the nicotine of our times. 3 and a half weeks ago I deactivated my Facebook account and deleted Instagram off my iPhone.

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