I enjoy studying about war and what it takes to win them. Recently, I finished reading "Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World".
When solving problems or dealing with multiple daily requests often my mind will get busy, worried and distracted and I lose flow.
For the past 2-days, I have been reading excerpts of Shunryu Suzuki's book, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. It's helping to bring peace and calmness to my heart.
Real joy comes from within and by tidying up you always restore balance in your life. Letting go is more important than adding.
Shoe Dog, the recently published book by Phil Knight (Nike's founder), is a fantastic read that demonstrates how challenging it is to build a global business.
Man's Search for Meaning, by Viktor Frankl, is a global bestseller and famous for being the book that inspired Tony Robbins to become a coach.
Acting slowly and steady upon your dreams and resolutions is the only thing that matters. Never leave inside your mind thoughts that don't evolve into action.
I've started doing a daily 5-minute journal and a weekly review. It has been incredibly fun and helpful to slow down and put things in perspective.