Last week I faced an awkward situation over LinkedIn messages.
One person (which I won't name) was doing one of the most distasteful things in business etiquette. They wanted to meet without communicating the "why" behind the intent and when questioned about it, replied with a passive-aggressive tone. Arrogance will never work.
Most people I know in Silicon Valley have in general 5-7 meetings a day, divided into 30 minutes slots and some buffer for longer encounters. I personally divide my schedule into maker and manager schedules. Mornings matter a lot, that's when I meditate, cook, exercise, and tackle the most important task of the day. I don't like morning meetings because they break my flow.
Fortunately, I am at a point in my career that I can be selective on meetings. The approach of being default to yes was wonderful a couple of years ago. It's not functional anymore.
Think before you send people a note. Ask great questions or explain things like:
I work hard to be one of the most responsive people on earth. Sometimes I miss control of my inbox, but it does not take more than 1.5 weeks for me to get back to people.
This specific person was so aggressive and rude when I kept pushing for the answer to these questions that I feel sorry for the ones that actually pay their organization to do some of those distasteful tours of Silicon Valley. Respect and effectiveness are kings.
Paulo is the founder and CEO of Arena, a data platform for consumer enterprises that has over 25,000 customers in more than 50 countries.
We all suffer from problems, temptations, and disappointments. To experience success, you must have experienced failure.
We launched our 2nd Season this past Friday, now with two new guests. Papo do Condado is a podcast recorded in Portuguese, built for a Brazilian audience.