Welcoming, Pedro Dias "PD": our newest General Partner at Atman

Venture Capital
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Soon we are going to launch Atman publicly. 

We already have 5 portfolio companies, split between the US and LatAm.

As we get ready for the first close of our new fund, I'll start being a bit more public about the incredible team we have assembled for this mission. 

It starts with my co-founder, friend, and General Partner, Pedro Dias, also known as "PD". 

We are delighted to have him full-time at Atman. 

If you have a chance, follow him on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

You will also find here press coverage in Brazil about this announcement.

Here is a bit more about him and why he is such a special person.


Going All-In on Venture, Joining Atman as a GP.

The future fascinates me. 

Providing leverage to inevitable founders is at the core of who I am. 

I was born in Anápolis, Goiás; a town 2 hours from Brasilia where you are bound to see someone riding a horse in the middle of the street. 

At 11 years old, my parents migrated to San Francisco in search of a better life for our family. They did what they had to do, from babysitting to cleaning homes, in order to survive.

My parents instilled in my sister and me the core American values of hard work, determination, ambition, and perseverance.

Entrepreneurship has always been something I knew would eventually find me. From buying a Yamaha R1 in high school with the money I raised selling 6-figures worth of rare sneakers to offering oversubscribed growth equity deals to my clients. 

After being involved in investing in Peloton, Spotify and Sweetgreen, I was completely hooked.    

My time at JP Morgan solidified my passion for investments and the financial markets, thinking outside the box and giving creative advice, and the cultivation of long-term relationships. Within my practice, I carved out a niche and served the founders of some of Brazil's most valuable startups. 

Riskified allowed me to build a product from the ground up. From pitching the idea internally so our leadership grasped the size of the opportunity, to working with developers to create what we wanted, finding product-market-fit, and our first customer.

In 2017, I met Pedro Sorrentino through an introduction made by a mutual client. We instantly connected professionally and personally. Although our world views differ, we challenge each other and become more enlightened in the process. When Pedro extended the invitation to found Atman alongside him, I knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create something that has the power to change lives.

I hope to combine all of these experiences into founding Atman, a platform that gives inevitable founders leverage in all aspects of their lives and delivers best-in-class returns for our LPs.  

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