The importance of good habits and gratitude


The intelligent work through difficulty and is pleased to overcome challenges.

We all know what we are supposed to be doing to live a good life.

Powered by the right principles, we can only connect with the light once we destroy our ego — a necessary daily habit.

Forces of evil will tempt us to steer us to incorrect paths, different than what we are supposed to be working on.

They work as a test, so we get to prove that we are fully committed to what is truly important in life.

You can only grow through a difficulty; overcome all the suffering — you will be a better version of yourself on the other side.

Cultivating good habits is the easiest way to build yourself into a man of character. They start with your diet, personal hygiene, exercise, and how you treat others, irrespective of their social status.

Remember that you don’t have to mine for oxygen or pay for the sun.

Be grateful that you are alive and can read this text.

Form good habits.

Exercise, even if for 15 minutes a day, sleep 7 hours a night, and stop eating unhealthy food. Work to be with the ones you love.

Our brains have been wired into thinking that we must have a certain amount of money to be happy or be able to afford specific experiences.

I realized that the more money I make, the more I have to exercise, eat well, pray, sleep, and be grateful.

There is no substitute in life for a real connection with nature.

Be good to yourself.

Even if it means temporary pain, your future self will appreciate it.

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