"The modest Rose puts forth a thorn,The humble sheep a threatning horn: While the Lily white shall in love delight, nor a thorn nor a threat stain her beauty bright."
— William Blake
When you stop to smell the Lilies recall that you are never alone.
Someone in spirit made it their mission to guide and protect you during the current incarnation.
You can always find the necessary answers in solitude and silence.
Encounter peace. You are here to evolve and capable of tackling every challenge you face.
Call on your guardian angel for help.
Knowing that you have a superior spirit dedicated to protecting and guiding should bring you great comfort.
Have the discipline and fortitude to stay on a good path.
Also, I hope you bought Bitcoin and tech stocks early in 2020.
Genuine appreciation doesn’t come from others. It comes from not allowing any external circumstances to be in your to be in your way.
We humans have a lot to improve. Even the current “salvation systems” are subject to issues that permeate the weaknesses of the human spirit.
In this episode I talk to Lucas Olmedo, founder and CEO of Fligoo. You can listen to it on Spotify and other podcast apps.