Change Management


Growing up is extremely painful. Personally or as a corporation, differences are very little in so many ways.

Currently, at SendGrid, we are at a stage where there is no more room for lack of excellence.

I was one of the few people that were very supportive and happy when they fired our former CEO (I really like him as a person, but not as a leader).

Regardless, I did not expect that "the grind" was going to get this pain. We've always been too comfortable by having found early product-market fit and have developed this toxic culture of being self-centric instead of customer-centric.

In the past 3 months, more than 15 people have left SendGrid (some were also fired) all due to various different reasons, but one thing is certain: we are changing rapidly and that's refreshing to see, but not pleasant to experience.

I am employee 22. We are almost at 300 people.

In change management, about 35% of the people will churn out. The other 35% will sit and wait and make their decisions after some certainty has developed. I am part of the last 30%, the ones that embrace change and thrive from it.

Growth rates will slow down, but I am certain that we are building a better company, that is focused on becoming the absolute best email company out there.

I love this @avc tweet about different stages of financing.

So what are the Series C for? I would say that is the separation between the men and the boys. The time to develop operational excellence, to hit cash flow break-even, to ship a couple of new products that will become profitable lines of business, and to develop clear IPO predictability.

This week I am hoping for a bit more certainty, but things are starting to look like a very fun ride.

No pain, no gain.

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