My First Public Talk in Spanish

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For a while, I was the only person at SendGrid responsible for growing the company internationally, especially in Latin America. In less than one year with no sales team, we got over 7,000 clients, including Walmart Brazil and Rakuten Brazil. 

Since I was running solo my strategy was a combination of community building, PR, thought leadership, and word of mouth while yielding 2 factors. Silicon Valley prestige combined with solid SaaS growth. Basically telling a good story and making us look sexy for the 0.1% of elite founders and investors.

Back to my First Talk in Spanish

We hosted an event in Buenos Aires for startups, founders, and developers. Our "usual" SendGrid growth Meetup. Martin Vivas, a major startup connector in Argentina was kind enough to connect us with MSFT Argentina, and we set up our event at their fancy Puerto Madero offices. Gracias! 

As you can see I spoke with a recently dislocated shoulder since I had the stupid idea of running a Thought Mudder during my flight connection in LAX. Traveling to 2 countries in Latam, with 36 meetings in 5 days while not being able to raise my arm was a humbling experience. I had to ask for help and assistance for more than 40 people in total. It made me more present, focused only on the activities with the highest outputs.

It turned out bueno. Un Saludo!

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