Listen to the 10th Episode of Papo do Condado Season 2 Finale

Papo do Condado
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We are back with the last episode of the 2nd season of Papo do Condado.

It was an incredibly fun one, with so many great conversations.

My special thanks go to Isa Marques, Felipe Lamounier, and Luiz Nunes for such a delightful season.

Also, thank you for listening and for always providing feedback.

In this episode, we talked about the energy crisis in Europe and what western leaders might do in order to prepare for the winter.

Here are some other topics in this episode:

  • Psychology of Money: the impacts on the US post-WWII until today
  • Mental health in the post-Covid era
  • Elon Musk backed out from the Twitter deal
  • The future of machine learning and artificial intelligence

You will find all Papo do Condado episodes on Youtube, Spotify, and other audio platforms.

See you soon!

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