Charlie Munger - A must watch for any investor, founder, or human


Several thinkers deeply influenced me as a professional investor and man. One of them is Charlie Munger. Charlie’s Almanack is a must-read for everyone.

The book isn’t just a biography, but a systematic manual on how to live life in a better, calmer, and more integrated manner with the Universe.

I arrived back from Miami exhausted. The week was wonderful and extremely busy (more on that front soon). As I was doing laundry and getting some aspects of adult life in order, I listened to this entire AMA from Munger on some current events such as California’s exodus, Bitcoin, $GME, the importance of learning how to learn, and more.

Highly recommend you take a listen as you do other chores or tasks by the house today.

Lastly, he has one of my favorite quotes of all time. One that is deeply ingrained in the modus-operands of Atman Capital.

"I've been in the top 5 percent of my age cohort all my life in understanding the power of incentives, and all my life I've underestimated it."

— Charlie Munger


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