Getting More: How You Can Negotiate to Succeed in Work and Life
Stuart Diamond

Getting More: How You Can Negotiate to Succeed in Work and Life

Stuart Diamond is a Wharton Business School Professor and Pulitzer Prize winner. After decades of research with people from various countries, he condensed his thoughts on how emotional intelligence, perceptions, cultural diversity, and collaboration can enable better negotiations. Stuart teaches that you don't need to limit yourself to old-school negotiation techniques that rely on conflicts, power, leverage, and logic.


I've worked as a business developer for years. Thus, a considerable part of my day was spent negotiating with employees, partners, or customers. Back then, the lessons I took out of the Getting More book helped me to perform better. I wrote about them in this post from 2013. Later, as a venture capitalist, knowing how to negotiate kept being one of the main skills I need to excel at to succeed. After all, venture capitalists are salespeople.

Favorite Quotes

“If you make friends with the other party, they will look for ways to help you meet your goals.”
“Think about meeting your goals, not about wining over someone else.”
“Never make yourself the issue. Just because the other side is a jerk doesn't mean you should be a jerk.”

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