The End of COVID and cycles of Life

Personal Updates
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“You cannot be buried in obscurity: you are exposed upon a grand theater to the view of the world. If your actions are upright and benevolent, be assured they will augment your power and happiness.” ― Cyrus the Great

This morning I was reflecting that for me, in my perception of reality the pandemic has finally ended.

After 9 months in Miami life is mostly normal here. You still see a few wearing masks, but they are the exception. In my mind, we are in full endemic mode at this point.  

Fortunately, seems like the media is starting to embrace that as well.

This is positive, so people can finally move on and our roaring 20’s can begin.

Despite seeing so much negativity around our world I have never been as positive as I am at the moment with what is about to come.

The last two years definitely pushed me to find the best version of myself given all the challenges that we all faced.

I have resumed recording The Inevitable Podcast, so if you have suggestions of CEOs or Investors (or even want to suggest yourself) let me know.

I’ll be posting more about Atman over this channel and get back into the habit of daily writing in the process.

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