Flow with the mysterious

"What we have to discover is that there is no safety, that seeking is painful, and that when we imagine that we have found it, we don’t like it."

— Allan Watts

Every successful founder is a hero who decided to flow with the mysterious.

To an inevitable founder nothing matters, but the execution of an idea in which the time has come.

Find your desert. Contemplate and unapologetically be your authentic self.

Play a game in which you are unbeatable.

Play a game in which you do not care if others lose or win.

Maintain a sentiment of gratitude to connect with the divine, daily.

As you appreciate the opportunity for the evolution of your soul, you will execute better.

Ultimately, as you follow your path, understand that the only path is to help and serve others.

Find the right leverage for your own game.

Blossom into the cosmological function.

Make an effort to flow into the mysterious daily.

Just like we used to leave the village to hunt, try to understand what would you like to hunt today.

Flow with the mysterious.

"Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging."

— Joseph Campbell

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