This weekend I watched this cool fireside chat between Jeff Bezos and his brother. Watch it in one sitting rather than in pieces.
Daily, before I leave my bedroom for the day I stare at this post-it note that says "legacy is built daily". It is a powerful reminder.
It goes well with "Bezos Day 1 policy", or the discipline that I see Sequoia Capital insert in their companies, with their anti-shortcuts approach, mixed with daily paranoia, Grove style.
It reminded me of the importance of family and world exploration.
It made me think that I need to venture out a bit more and not stare at my phone so much.
I doubt that Bezos would have quit his Wall Street job if he didn't have such stellar grandparents that taught him grit from a young age.
Nobody becomes this wealthy and powerful by accident.
Also, I love his approach to dating.
"I want a woman that can break me out of a third world prison."
Anger or any dissatisfaction with others is your ego screaming from the inside, wanting you to feel relevant and superior.
The best advertisers read TechCrunch more than AdAge. Software has never made the advertising and the publishing industry so interesting.
During most of 2017, I averaged 5–6 hours a night. Not sleeping enough was killing me and my ability to get things done.