The main thing is to make history, not to write it. - Otto Von Bismark
Achieve perfect liberation from materialism by having the discipline to do what you know you have to execute.
The fact that you are a perfect, boundless immortal soul should exude absolute determination and courage.
Ancient sages evolved in perfect spirit were once trapped into earthly materialism.
Your dedication to the struggle, combined with a disciplined spiritual practice, is the only form of true liberation.
We get to fight the most fulfilling battles, knowing that we ought to serve others at scale by building our companies.
Once you surrender to total and absolute excellence, the only boundless and infinite joy is living according to the eternal cosmos.
Destroy Maya. Breathe. Struggle. Win.
The holiday season is one of my favorites as it brings everything out. A time to reflect upon your year, do deep work, catch up on sleep, exercise more, etc.
Understand that you need to rise to the same level of your potential and, sometimes, that isn’t an easy road. Growth only comes with pain and suffering.
Everyone that has built something meaningful must have gotten in touch with “the dark side”. I woke up thinking about how it probably impulsed many to win.