The path to moderation


Not partaking in excess is essential.

I have started to drink less, eat less, have fewer meetings, and attend fewer events.

Capital provides leverage, and leverage goes both ways. Up or down.

Having a tranquil mind is paramount for good judgment when investing.

Only spend time with people that you love, people you can serve through your work, or you people that can teach you something.

You should often ignore the many messages to "catch up", "grab coffee", "pick your brain." Especially those that get in touch without any context of their intention.

Without a clear intention, the interactions end up being wasteful.

If you allow others to steal your time, you end your day tired, having executed towards other people's agendas.

In a world of excess, you have to be selfish.

The danger is that if you are not open to the unknown, you might miss randomness and some synchronicity of life.

It is a balance. Sometimes you need to accept the randomness, and sometimes you must have tight control over your time.

Life starts at the end of your comfort zone.

It is impossible to make progress without sacrifice.

Every time you say no to a wasteful interaction, you are saying yes to better time spent with people that matter to you.

Every new day we ought to do our best in our endeavors. Wake up, ready to give your best to what is ahead of you.

Be grateful knowing that well-executed work is one of the most joyful things in life.




The road to excellence is difficult, challenging, and requires sacrifice.

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through"

— Matthew (7:13)

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